Ulteriori fonti
La banca dati dell’Istituto sindacale europeo (ETUI):
https://www.ewcdb.eu/ EWCDB – La banca dati dei Comitati Aziendali Europei
https://www.ewctraining.eu/ Corso di formazione CAE
https://www.etui.org/ Istituto sindacale europeo
https://worker-participation.eu/ Partecipazione dei lavoratori dipendenti
https://esddb.eu/en La banca dati del Dialogo sociale europeo
https://wikilabour.org/index.php?title=Main_Page Wikilabour
Blanpain, R. (1999) “European Works Councils in Multinational Enterprises: background, working and experience”, Multinational Enterprises Programme Working Paper No. 83, International Labour Organisation, 1. aprile 1999, sul sito http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/@ed_emp/@emp_ent/@multi/documents/publication/wcms_117506.pdf
Business Europe (2023) “Response to first phase social partner consultation on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (Directive 2009/38/EC)”, Consultation response, 25 maggio 2023, Business Europe, sul sito https://www.businesseurope.eu/sites/buseur/files/media/position_papers/social/23-05-25_businesseurope_response_ewcs_1st-stage.pdf
Eurofound (2020) European works councils, European Industrial Relations Dictionary, Eurofound, 8 gennaio 2020, Commissione europea, sul sito https://www.eurofound.europa.eu/en/european-industrial-relations-dictionary/european-works-councils
European Commission (2024) “Commission proposes to improve European Works Councils to strengthen transnational social dialogue”, comunicazione per la stampa, 24 gennaio 2024, sul sito https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_147
ETUC (2023a) ETUC reply to the first phase of the Social Partner Consultation on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC) https://www.etuc.org/en/document/etuc-reply-first-phase-social-partner-consultation-possible-revision-european-works
ETUC (2023b) ETUC response to the second-phase consultation of Social Partners under Article 154 TFEU on a possible revision of the European Works Council Directive (2009/38/EC) https://www.etuc.org/en/document/etuc-response-second-phase-consultation-social-partners-under-article-154-tfeu-possible-0
Hertwig, M., Pries, L. i Rampeltshammer, L. (2009) “European Works Councils as international non-profit-organisations: an organisational research approach to a crucial element of Europeanisation” u Hertwig, M., Pries, L. i Rampeltshammer, L. (eds.) European Works Councils in complementary perspectives, Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), sul sito https://www.etui.org/sites/default/files/09%20EWC%20Complementary%20perspectives%20EN%20WEB%20version.pdf
De Spiegelaere, S. (2016) “Too Little, Too Late? Evaluating the European Works Councils Recast Directive”, ETUI Research Paper – Report 138, European Trade Union Institute, sul sito https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2809520
Stan De Spiegelaere & Romuald Jagodziński, (2018), Can anybody hear us? An overview of the 2018 survey of EWC and SEWC representatives, European Trade Union Institute https://www.etui.org/publications/guides/can-anybody-hear-us